Chakra Treatments

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Chakra Treatments


Chakra is an ancient Sanskrit word meaning vortex or wheel. They are the main energy centers of the body, through which we receive, process and transmit the experiences around us. Our chakra blessings target each of the seven chakras to help you to regain focus and clear blocked energy. When our chakras are cleansed and balanced, our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies are better able to function at their optimal levels, we will be happy to help you determine which of your chakras require balancing and healing. Let our new chakra blessing rituals take you on a journey of relaxation and rejuvenation.

Expertly developed chakra treatment system, co-created by beauty heaven!

Seven Chakra Blessing Treatments

Muladhara (Earth or Root Chakra) – 55 Mins £45

Muladhara, the earth or root chakra, is located at the base of the spine. It anchors the spirit to the material world and the body to the earth. Mulhadhara is the root of our survival.. Balancing the earth chakra helps to calm the body and mind, creating a profound inner peace that helps free our full potential. This treatment induces a deep sense of stillness that will leave you feeling ready to take on the world.

Svadhisthana (Water or Sacral Chakra) – 55 Mins £45

Swadhisthana, the water or sacral chakra, is located in the lower abdomen.. It is also associated with emotional balance, desire and pleasure. This chakra helps us to let go of stored emotions and find a healthy balance in life. When it is functioning well, Swadhisthana brings enhanced emotional gratification, higher self-esteem and free- flowing creative energy. Ideal for couples to experience together, Happiness is renewed and the desire for life and love is reinvigorated.

Manipura (Fire or solar plexus Chakra) – 55 Mins £45

Known as Manipura in Sanskrit, the navel or fire chakra is located in the solar plexus. It is the centre of our health and vitality, and governs our capacity to grow and develop. Connected to our inner strength, sense of purpose and self-confidence, Manipura means “beautiful, shining jewel” in Sanskrit. When it is open and balanced, we shine from within.

Manipura (Fire or solar plexus Chakra) – 55 Mins £45

Known as Manipura in Sanskrit, the navel or fire chakra is located in the solar plexus. It is the centre of our health and vitality, and governs our capacity to grow and develop. Connected to our inner strength, sense of purpose and self-confidence, Manipura means “beautiful, shining jewel” in Sanskrit. When it is open and balanced, we shine from within.

Anahata (Heart Chakra) – 55 Mins £45

Known as Anahata in Sanskrit, the heart chakra is the centre of unconditional love, governing compassion, forgiveness, generosity and well-being. Balancing this chakra is important for the circulatory system, heart and thymus. It also helps fend off disease and nurtures spiritual love and devotion. Healing the heart chakra can help free us from our limits and fears.

Vishuddha (Wisdom or throat Chakra) – 55 Mins £45

Vishuddha, the throat chakra, is located in the centre of the throat. It governs our communication and self-expression, and is linked to creativity and honesty. A strong throat chakra embodies the spirit of truth and intuition; when it is weak or low in energy, our thoughts become unstable and our sleep patterns disturbed. It enables us to acknowledge and express the truth in and around us, reconnects the mind to a positive flow, and encourages deep and restful sleep.

Ajna (Divine or third eye Chakra) – 55 Mins £45

Ajna, the divine third eye chakra, is located in the centre of the forehead. Responsible for physical sight and spiritual insight, it also deals with perception and intuition, imagination, concentration and peace of mind. Ajna is linked to the pituitary gland- when balanced, it has a harmonizing effect on our emotional behavior. The mind feels light, clear and knowing, and a sense of peace and harmony pervades the whole body.

Sahasrara (Crown Chakra) – 55 Mins £45

Sahasrara, the crown chakra, is located at the top of the head. Symbolized by a lotus with a thousand petals, it is the chakra of pure consciousness. This enlightening and unifying treatment rejuvenates the nervous system through that channel energy from the heart of the earth to the higher self.